Cemeteries in Fort Stockton, Texas

5 cemeteries in Fort Stockton, Texas


What are the different types of cemeteries in Fort Stockton?

Private Cemeteries in Fort Stockton, Texas often have specific restrictions, such as religious affiliation or family connections. Military Cemeteries in Fort Stockton, Texas are primarily for veterans and individuals who have served in the armed forces, and in some cases, their family members. Public Cemeteries in Fort Stockton, Texas are open to the general public without any particular restrictions.

What information you provide for cemeteries in Fort Stockton?

We offer detailed information for cemeteries in Fort Stockton, Texas , including the names of deceased individuals, their birth and death dates, data about relatives, and cemetery locations. Additionally, you can obtain historical records and conduct searches for ancestors interred in Fort Stockton, Texas .

For how many cemeteries in Fort Stockton does Whitleynet have burial data?

Our database contains records of burials from 5 cemeteries.

Why is Fort Stockton famous?

This important Indian Wars Fort was active from 1867-1886. It was strategically placed at the life-saving waters of Comanche Springs to protect the San Antonio-to-El Paso mail, freight wagons, cattle drives, and emigrants. The fort was garrisoned by the 9th Cavalry, known as "Buffalo Soldiers".

Why is it called Fort Stockton?

It grew up around Comanche Springs, at one time the third largest source of spring water in Texas, and near the military fort founded in 1859 and named for Robert Field Stockton.

Why was Fort Stockton built?

Edward Dorsey Stockton, an officer in the First Infantry who had died in San Antonio in 1857, was established by the United States Army on January 17, 1859, at Comanche Springs, which was within the site of the present city of Fort Stockton, for the protection of the mail service, travelers, and freighters.

What is the crime rate in Fort Stockton Texas?

Fort Stockton's crime rate Adjusted for population, the city's annual crime rate is 1,178 incidents for every 100,000 people.

Is Fort Stockton TX worth visiting?

Located in Texas, United States, Fort Stockton is home to an impressive selection of attractions and experiences, making it well worth a visit. Located in Texas, United States, Fort Stockton is home to an impressive selection of attractions and experiences, making it well worth a visit. Sat. Sun.

Is there a military base in Fort Stockton Texas?

Historic Fort Stockton is located on the east side of town and consists of original and reconstructed military buildings. Today the site includes Officers' Row, Guardhouse, Enlisted Men's Barracks, and the Parade Grounds. There is a visitor's Center at the East side of parade grounds.

What are some fun facts about Fort Stockton?

Fort Stockton was an important Indian Wars Fort from 1867 to 1886. The houses are old here. Many of them 1800's adobe. In fact, the oldest house is thought to have been built sometime around 1855 or 1860 before the fort was even built.

What are some fun facts about Fort Stockton?

Fort Stockton was an important Indian Wars Fort from 1867 to 1886. The houses are old here. Many of them 1800's adobe. In fact, the oldest house is thought to have been built sometime around 1855 or 1860 before the fort was even built.

Is Fort Stockton TX worth visiting?

Located in Texas, United States, Fort Stockton is home to an impressive selection of attractions and experiences, making it well worth a visit. Located in Texas, United States, Fort Stockton is home to an impressive selection of attractions and experiences, making it well worth a visit. Sat. Sun.