Cemeteries in Lookout Mountain, Georgia

1 cemeteries in Lookout Mountain, Georgia


What are the different types of cemeteries in Lookout Mountain?

Private Cemeteries in Lookout Mountain, Georgia often have specific restrictions, such as religious affiliation or family connections. Military Cemeteries in Lookout Mountain, Georgia are primarily for veterans and individuals who have served in the armed forces, and in some cases, their family members. Public Cemeteries in Lookout Mountain, Georgia are open to the general public without any particular restrictions.

What information you provide for cemeteries in Lookout Mountain?

We offer detailed information for cemeteries in Lookout Mountain, Georgia , including the names of deceased individuals, their birth and death dates, data about relatives, and cemetery locations. Additionally, you can obtain historical records and conduct searches for ancestors interred in Lookout Mountain, Georgia .

For how many cemeteries in Lookout Mountain does Whitleynet have burial data?

Our database contains records of burials from 1 cemeteries.

What is the elevation of Lookout Mountain GA?

The summit, called "High Point", is located just east of Thompsonville in Walker County, Georgia, with an elevation of 2,392 feet (729 m) above sea level. The foothills of the mountain extend into Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park.

What is the highest point of Lookout Mountain?

The mountain's highest point is located near the community of High Point, Georgia, along the eastern brow, where it reaches an elevation of 2,393 feet. Lookout Mountain is the southernmost extension of the Appalachian Plateau, a land mass that runs from Birmingham, Alabama, to Knoxville, Tennessee.

How was Lookout Mountain Georgia formed?

Lookout Mountain was formed by eruptions about 677-692,000 years ago and is an Early Rhyolite just outside of the area of uplift (Hildreth, 2004). The summit crater is 1 km (0.6 mi) in diameter.

How many cemeteries are in Georgia?

Below is a list of all 5872 cemeteries in Georgia, organized by town.

Why is Lookout Mountain famous?

On November 24, 1863, Union troops under the command of General Joseph Hooker swept the northern slopes of Lookout Mountain in what became known as the "Battle Above the Clouds." For the rest of the Civil War, Lookout Mountain was a tourist destination for Union soldiers and civilians, and a photographer even ...

Where in Georgia has the highest elevation?

Brasstown Bald is the highest natural point in the state of Georgia coming in at 4,784 feet. It's an absolutely gorgeous peak situated between Blairsville and Hiawassee offering 360 degree views of North Georgia, North Carolina, and on really clear days . . . parts of the Atlanta skyline.

How steep is Lookout Mountain Incline Railway?

The breathtaking 72.7 % grade of the track near the top gives the Incline the distinction of being the world's steepest passenger railway. Discover the charm of the Lookout Mountain Station.

What 7 states can be seen from Lookout Mountain?

Depending on the day the seven-state claim might be a bit exaggerated. Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee can clearly be seen from Lookout Mountain. On a very clear day with the correct equipment you might be able to see North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, and South Carolina.

Is Lookout Mountain hard?

Generally considered a moderately challenging route.

Is Lookout Mountain hard?

Generally considered a moderately challenging route.

Where the highest points in elevation are located in Georgia?

Brasstown Bald is the highest natural point in the state of Georgia coming in at 4,784 feet. It's an absolutely gorgeous peak situated between Blairsville and Hiawassee offering 360 degree views of North Georgia, North Carolina, and on really clear days . . . parts of the Atlanta skyline.